We have just celebrated the love of God on the cross at Easter and the love of mothers on Mothers Day, but as you observe the daily news do we see a lot of love being showered on the world? In the war in Ukraine a few weeks ago the Russian forces withdrew from Bucha leaving the remains of at least 500 corpses. As commentators have noted this is not just an attempt by the Russians to dominate their enemies, it is an attempt to dehumanise them - shaming them by robbing them of their dignity and honour.
I have also noticed, as part of the current election campaign, increasing efforts in the media and on social media to dehumanise the leaders of the major parties. Instead of demonstrating the superior logic of different policy positions the aim is to trash everything about the person if they hold a different view. The aim is to shame the person. It seems for many that my rights trump love!
It seems at times as if that candle of light and love, lit at Easter time, is wavering in the wind - in danger of being snuffed out. Is that really the case?
John 13: 31-35 describes the aftermath of the last supper. It is after Judas, Jesus’ once close friend, has gone out to betray him, why? It is just before Peter with all his overconfidence states pathetically whatever else happens you can rely on me! (Lest you judge him too quickly, we should think about how much Jesus can rely on each of us in our daily lives?
Yet in the darkness of betrayal and desertion Jesus' love for us shines brightly. More than that through the miracle of Easter we know that although Jesus is no longer with us in person, he is with us through the power of the Holy Spirit. That is the wind that is blowing the candle which is shining ever more brightly in our lives and in the world.
What are the fruit of the spirit that are transforming us? How will people know we are manifesting the love Jesus promised his followers? That is by living lives characterised by love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. The wonder is this comes about not through our efforts but through allowing the love of Christ to work through our lives, as we watch the candle flame flicker. Are you prepared to allow your life to shine like a candle in a dark world; spreading light and warmth as God’s love moves out through you? Are you ready to allow the Spirit to set your life on fire?
Jesus was glorified through being lifted up through the shame and degradation of the cross; before the jeers and mocking and cancellation of the authorities and the crowd: how? It was because at the moment of the most extreme human cruelty, depravity and godlessness that God displayed the incredible depth of His love that was able to overcome all this. So the sign of shame and disgrace became something beautiful; instead of shame it represents honour and instead of hate it signifies love. That shame and degradation was transformed to glory.
Let the light, the power, the promise of Easter flow through you as you reach out in love to a world that still seeks to shame and dehumanise. Look forward with confidence even when you are faced with desertion and betrayal because this is the very situation from which Christ was glorified, and hence ourselves. Are you prepared to share in the glory of Easter?